Open your business

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text] can help you open your business in Albania!

The rules for the registration of a commercial company apply to both Albanian and foreign nationals. Legal persons gain legal personality with the registration in the commercial register. While, the registration in the commercial register for physical persons, branches and representative offices of foreign companies, civil partnerships and other subjects not having legal personality, according to legislation in force, has only declaratory effect. The process of Albania company formation is quick and efficient. The company can be registered with the National Registration Center in 1-2 working days under normal circumstances.

National Registration Center (NRC) established in 2007, is the only authority in Albania responsible for the incorporation of companies who acquire legal personality and for maintaining the Commercial Register. The commercial register (which is kept in an electronic form) is defined in the Albanian Law of Commerceas a unique database of the subjects that pursue commercial activities.

Other National Registration Center tasks include:

• registrations in the commercial registry;
• registration of entrepreneurs and companies for tax, social and health security registration, and for the inspection of employment relations;
• issuing of certificates, registration extracts and certified copies of deposited acts;
• publishing the register’s data and ensuring free public access thereto;
• accepting applications for licenses, permits and administrative authorizations, and submitting them to the relevant authorities;
• informing and advising on registration and licensing procedures.

The requirements to register a standardized company in Albania are listed in the image below:

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